
Chemist in Lab满足您的有机化学要求


许多专业预科的学生需要花两个学期的有机化学和实验室. CSUDH's 继续和专业教育学院 offers a 为期10周的暑期强化课程 满足了这个要求. 因为学生们都专注于一门课, they often perform better than by taking the classes with a full course load.

CSUDH继续和专业教育学院自1977年开始提供该课程. 来自南加州和美国各地大学的学生选修了这门课程,并将学分转入他们的大学. In addition, the classes help prepare students for the MCAT and DAT exams.

Important Notes:

  • In-person registration is not available for these courses.
  • We recommend all activated students register online via MyCSUDH 避免电话等待时间过长.
  • 如果你只注册实验或讲座部分,你必须通过电话注册; you cannot register online for a single Lab or Lecture section.
  • 每个电话只允许一名学生注册.

Admitted CSUDH students may register beginning Monday, March 18, 2024 at 8am PT.




要开始注册程序, 选择你的学生类型 (CSUDH或非CSUDH)和 阅读并复习说明书 below:




  1. On Monday, March 18, beginning at 8:00am PT, login to my.notablepath.net 注册你的课程.
    (DO NOT attempt to enroll in a class prior to the Monday, March 18 at 8am timestamp; all enrollments received before that time will be CANCELLED!)

  2. After you receive your course registration confirmation, 登录到您的课程内容 Canvas,或通过 MyCSUDH.

⚠ Once registered, we encourage you to STAY IN YOUR ENROLLED section. 由于需求非常高,我们 cannot 保证如果你从一个课程部分换到另一个课程部分,你将能够保持你的位置, and 你可能会面临失去注册资格的风险.

如有疑问,请发送电子邮件: learn@notablepath.net 或致电310-243-2075.

Pre-Registration for Non-CSUDH Students — Due Date: Sat. 3月23日太平洋时间中午12点

Pre-Registration Process for Non-CSUDH Students:

  1. 在3月23日星期六太平洋时间中午12点之前完成并提交您的预注册互动表格.

  2. You will receive an email beginning Friday, March 22.
    This email will include instructions on how to activate your MyCSUDH account; check your spam and/or junk folder to make sure you have received the email.
    (DO NOT attempt to enroll in a class prior to the Monday, March 25 at 8am timestamp; all enrollments received before that time will be CANCELLED!)

  3. Once you have received the email and activated your account:
    On Monday, March 25, beginning at 8:00am PT, login to my.notablepath.net 注册你的课程. 如果你还没有收到你的邮件, call the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741, 协助方案1.

  4. After you receive your course registration confirmation, 登录到您的课程内容 Canvas,或通过 MyCSUDH. 请注意,注册Canvas激活后,您的课程访问可能需要24-48小时.

⚠ Once registered, we encourage you to STAY IN YOUR ENROLLED section. 由于需求非常高,我们 cannot 保证如果你从一个课程部分换到另一个课程部分,你将能够保持你的位置, and 你可能会面临失去注册资格的风险.

如有疑问,请发送电子邮件: learn@notablepath.net 或致电310-243-2075.

Registration Process for Non-Students with Newly Activated Accounts

Registration Process for Newly Activated Non-CSUDH Students:

On Monday, March 25, beginning at 8:00am PT, login to my.notablepath.net with your activated student account, 注册你的课程.

(DO NOT attempt to enroll in any lecture or lab class prior to the Monday, March 25 at 8am timestamp; all enrollments received before that time are being CANCELLED! 有几个学生已经被取消了请不要成为下一个!)

REMINDER: You can only use MyCSUDH to register for BOTH the LECTURE/DISCUSSION AND LAB COURSES; you may not register for only one, 如果你没有课程和实验,系统将不允许你结账. If you need to register for only a single lab or single course, please call the CCPE Registration Office after 8am PT on Monday, 3月25日(请耐心等待), 因为我们预计来电量会很大).

  1. Log into MyCSUDH and click "Student Center,在左侧的LaunchPad中.
  2. 在“学术”部分,单击“Enroll".
  3. In the "Enter Class Nbr" field, 输入5位CN (*Course Number located at the bottom of each course description below) of the lecture course 您想要注册,然后按"Enter".
    *请谨慎输入: 如果您在完整的注册过程完成后更改/退出,我们不能保证您的首选课程部分将可用, and we don't want anyone to lose their placement!
  4. Confirm that the lecture course information you selected is correct, and press "Next" to proceed (or "Cancel" to return to add a different CN).
  5. 返回到“添加类”屏幕时, 确认您选择的课程已进入夏季2024购物车(查找✅绿色复选标记).
  6. 重复3-5添加你的 lab course.
  7. 当你看到你选择的讲座和实验课程旁边有两个绿色的圆圈,并对你的选择感到满意时, you may click "继续步骤3中的步骤2“在屏幕底部.
  8. 再次确认你的课程: this is your last chance to make edits before the registration is finalized. 准备好后,点击“完成注册".
  9. Review the final results, and if both classes have green checks, click "我的课程表从顶部菜单或下面的按钮查看课程,这些课程将显示在你的学业记录上.
  10. Click "Home" in the upper right corner to return to the MyCSUDH portal.
  11. Click "ToroPay,在左边的发射台. Click "I Agree,然后被带到ToroPay网站上.
  12. 连接后,您将看到您最近的学费余额显示(约1,394美元).00 for 1 lecture + 1 lab + lab fee) in the Student Account section.
  13. Click "Make Payment"继续办理结帐手续.
  14. 在“按期限支付”部分,单击“Add" button to the right of the tuition amount,然后点击“Continue在显示屏的底部.
  15. On the Account Payment display, select your payment method from the "Method"下拉菜单,然后点击"Continue".
  16. 在“选择的付款方式”部分, 提供所有必需的付款信息,然后点击“继续使用PayPath".
  17. Review your receipt; close the ToroPay browser window when complete, 并返回MyCSUDH门户窗口. Click "Home,以探索门户的更多选项,或“注销”以结束您的会话.
  18. (OPTIONAL: To view the total cost/confirmation of payment, 在启动台上再次点击“学生中心”, and then go to the Finances section and click "Account Inquiry"; review the Account Summary section.)


⚠ Once registered, we encourage you to STAY IN YOUR ENROLLED section. 由于需求非常高,我们 cannot 保证如果你从一个课程部分换到另一个课程部分,你将能够保持你的位置, and 你可能会面临失去注册资格的风险.

如有疑问,请发送电子邮件: learn@notablepath.net 或致电310-243-2075.



 有机化学I有机化学IILab ILab  II 

有机化学I•CHE 300(在线)

3 units
Prerequisite: CHE 112 or 1 year of general chemistry; concurrent enrollment in 301L
有机分子结构的详细研究, 反应机理立体化学, and synthesis with emphasis on aliphatic and aromatic systems.

时间:太平洋时间上午10:00 -下午12:15
Location: Online
Fee: $909
Instructor: N. Sturm, Ph.D.
Section: 41
CN: 32421


‍ 有机化学I Lab • CHE 301L (on campus)

1 unit
Prerequisite: CHE 112 or 1 year of general chemistry; concurrent enrollment in CHE 300
Basic experimental techniques of organic chemistry. 每周8小时的实验时间.

NOTE: Labs include initial hour held in alternate locations/online; consult with your instructor for specific instructions.

Days: Tue + Thu
时间:太平洋时间下午1:00 - 5:00
Location: SCI 341
费用:405美元+ 80美元的实验室费用
Instructor: H. Ebrahimi
Section: 71
CN: 32423

Days: Mon + Wed
时间:太平洋时间下午1:00 - 5:00
Location: SCI 341
费用:405美元+ 80美元的实验室费用
Instructor: A. Laradji
Section: 72
CN: 32425

Days: Fri
时间:太平洋时间上午8:00 -下午5:00
Location: SCI 341
费用:405美元+ 80美元的实验室费用
Instructor: A. Thangavel
Section: 73
CN: 32426

Days: Sat
时间:太平洋时间上午8:00 -下午5:00
Location: SCI 341
费用:405美元+ 80美元的实验室费用
Instructor: A. Diaz
Section: 74
CN: 32427

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有机化学II•CHE 302(在线)

3 units
Prerequisites: CHE 300 and CHE 301; concurrent enrollment in CHE 303L
CHE 300的延续,重点是含氧和氮的有机化合物的化学.

时间:太平洋时间上午10:00 -下午12:15
Location: Online
Fee: $909
Instructor: N. Sturm, Ph.D.
Section: 41
CN: 32422


‍ 有机化学II Lab • CHE 303L (on campus)

1 unit
Prerequisite: CHE 112 or 1 year of general chemistry; concurrent enrollment in CHE 302
Preparation of organic compounds and qualitative organic analysis.

Days: Tue + Thu
时间:太平洋时间下午1:00 - 5:00
Location: SCI 341
费用:405美元+ 80美元的实验室费用
Instructor: H. Ebrahimi
Section: 71
CN: 32431

Days: Mon + Wed
时间:太平洋时间下午1:00 - 5:00
Location: SCI 341
费用:405美元+ 80美元的实验室费用
Instructor: A. Laradji
Section: 72
CN: 32432

Days: Fri
时间:太平洋时间上午8:00 -下午5:00
Location: SCI 341
费用:405美元+ 80美元的实验室费用
Instructor: A. Thangavel
Section: 73
CN: 32433

Days: Sat
时间:太平洋时间上午8:00 -下午5:00
Location: SCI 341
费用:405美元+ 80美元的实验室费用
Instructor: A. Diaz
Section: 74
CN: 32434

↑ Back to Top



我是另一所学院/大学的学生. Do CSUDH's 有机化学 courses qualify to meet my school's requirements?

你需要向你的家乡学校核实我们的课程是否符合他们的要求. 然而,我们的课程确实使学生符合大多数医学院的要求!

How do I complete the course listing area on the pre-registration form?

Be sure to provide the Department/Section number, 5位数的课程编号/CN, the Course Title, and the Units; if you are requesting a Lab, you can provide Alternate CN numbers for your 2nd or 3rd choices (for example, if you prefer to take the Lab on the same day as the main course, 但如果你想提供你对其他实验部分的偏好,以防你的第一选择已经满了).


When registration opens, can I enroll online via MyCSUDH and 打电话来试着预定一个位置?

No... Please 只使用一种方法, 因为尝试通过多种方法注册可能会导致重复注册, 可能会阻止其他学生的注册,并增加您已经获得的任何注册被取消的风险. 

I submitted the pre-registration form and submitted it a while back... 我什么时候能收到答复?


从周五开始,您应该会收到CCPE注册的额外回复(教学电子邮件或其他通信), March 22. If you have not received a response by Monday, March 25 at 8am, please contact ceereg@notablepath.net.

我已经在CCPE注册办公室的电话上等了很长时间了. 打过去需要多长时间?

We anticipate a very high call volume on the first day, but please BE PATIENT... If you are on hold and hear the rotating messaging, please STAY ON THE LINE. 这意味着你在排队! If you hang up and call back, you may risk waiting even longer to get through. 

I have received my student account information and got logged into MyCSUDH... But I get an error when trying to connect to Canvas! What do I do?


Monday, March 25: Please be aware that for Non-CSUDH students, your accounts were created within the last 24-48 hours; Canvas access does not occur until at least 24 hours AFTER your student account has been activation. 此外,博士. Sturm has provided some insight: the course content has not been available to students yet (as we are still several months ahead of the course start dates); she anticipates that they should become available after Spring Break week.




讲座课程的费用是909美元. The cost for the lab course is $405, plus an $80 lab fee. 总费用是1394美元. Payment is due in full at the time of registration. If you need payment assistance, contact the CCPE Registration Office directly. 


If you have questions about course prerequisites, please email: nsturm@notablepath.net


如果你住在洛杉矶地区以外,并且需要参加这个项目的住房,请联系 CSUDH会议 for information.

注意:CSUDH不负责夏季学期有机化学课程之前或期间的住宿. Seeking accommodations in near-by hotels is recommended.

Class Attendance

课程将准时开始, as scheduled, 住宿问题的延迟或缺乏参与可能会影响学生的学习成果.


夏季停车许可证 $10/day, are required for on-campus parking, and can only be purchased 到学校收银处亲自办理. Cash, checks, or money orders are the only accepted forms of payment. 如需更多资料,请浏览网页 CSUDH Parking.


Drop Procedures

Students cannot drop 有机化学 courses themselves in the MyCSUDH student portal. 

为了被丢弃,请 CALL the CCPE Registration Office at 310-243-3741 (Option 1) 从某一过程中解脱出来. 

Financial Aid

如果你是CSUDH的学生, you may be eligible for financial aid for this program. 请与 财政援助办事处 了解更多信息.

Non-CSUDH students are not eligible for CSUDH financial aid.


Most CSUDH courses, whether on campus or online, utilize our Canvas LMS (在线学习管理系统)平台. In addition, 能够参与在线课程, students may need to use the Zoom videoconferencing system, 通过课程的LMS访问.

如何使用网上课程 (包括变焦和系统要求